Tip: Using one hotkey for Swapping Weapons

Hey guys, I searched and didnt see anyone post about this so I thought I would.

For the last year in every shooter I have played I use my mouse 3 button to swap between all my weapons. At first I thought that wasnt possible in Tarkov but today I figured out a way!

Assign "Weapon on sling" to whatever your favorite hotkey is (Mouse3 for me). Set it to "release".

Assign "Weapon on back" to the same but set to "double click"

Assign "Secondary weapon" to the same but set to "Continuous"

Works like a charm. Single taps or double taps will swap you between your main weapons, long hold will swap to your pistol.

Make sure "Weapon on sling" is release and not press or there will be issues.

Good luck out there, enjoy the wipe!

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/zxehan/tip_using_one_hotkey_for_swapping_weapons/

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