I got an answer from wargaming support about the false advertising of loot boxes

Hello Happy_Henrik_1,

Thank you for your reply.

An infographic contained incorrect information about decoration in large boxes. We have corrected the mistake and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

Each box contains a random decoration: https://worldoftanks.eu/de/news/special-offers/holiday-ops-2022-boxes/

Unfortunately, no compensation will be given in this situation. Please see the description of the package: https://eu.wargaming.net/shop/wot/ny2022/

These packs contain large Christmas boxes, each of which contains valuable in-game items:

250 gold and a random decoration from this collection.

Despite this negative experience, we hope that we will continue to have your support and enjoyment of the game with all its positive aspects.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/rdwb44/i_got_an_answer_from_wargaming_support_about_the/

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