Space legs are growing on me (creepy, huh?)

I happily bought Odyssey just to support FDev but really had no interest at all in space legs so I wasn't really let down by the bad launch. I wanted a space game, not an FPS.

I've been doing some space legs missions recently and they're actually quite fun and help me feel more connected with my ship. I like that they're completely optional (unlike in Star Citizen from what I can tell) so I can get a little taste of FPS when I want it and it ties into my objectives in the space game but I don't have to do any more of it than I feel like doing.

If you've been avoiding it like me it's worth checking out.

I will note that before I gave it a try I got myself set up with G3 suits of all 3 types and a G3 primary and secondary weapon. That involves docking at a bunch of space stations and planetary outposts and disembarking to go check the stock at Pioneer…. Typical FDev grindy stuff, but it didn't take me too long to get nicely equipped so it wasn't really that big a deal.


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