Supremely disappointed in myself. DON’T BUY ON CONSOLE!

First off, rediscovered this game on game pass after having it on pc. I love having my gaming all in one place, and despite missing it leaving gp, and my better judgement, I bought it. And played a lot. Worked up to an explorer type 6 build I absolutely LOVED. That was on my xbone s.

Upgraded to series x, and was looking forward to that sweet, sweet ssd speed. Installed it fresh, logged in, started game, "taupe cobra" 😑 Searched around for solutions, even posted here, to no avail. Just got finished searching for "elite dangerous series x" and found out it's basically unsupported. Disappointing, but whatever. I had fun, got a ways out exploring to not be able to return, but whatever.

I should have just uninstalled it. Instead I decided to clear my save first. Tie things up.

Then at the title screen, I hit a. Big fucking mistake.

Damn thing loaded right up into the staring biz. Fuck me, if it's not bad enough losing a bunch of work, but to find out that the game does work also makes my submitted but somehow not there ticket just that much more of a kick in the nuts.

TLDR: I've never been more disappointed in myself not trusting my gut.


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