Unlocking Hero Ferrari in January 2022

So, after completing 10 low CZ in Hou Mara and receiving no invites I looked online and it seemed to be a well-known issue. So I left it on the back burner and went on to do other things, sometimes stopping to see if my current location had any low conflict zones. After winning two more battles in a different system – also 2 different zones in the same system, the invite came in while in the ferry back to the station (after a grand total of 12 battles).

Well, going there and doing that, I feel safe to make some assumptions:

  1. Besides going to 10 conflicts, you seeminly also need to visit at least 3 different CZ's
  2. You can repeat the same zone a feel times, just not to all of them at the same location.
  3. Not sure if a necessity, but I followed the following procedure: enlist, take the dropship in, take the dropship back out after just one round, cash in, take another ride back to the battle. At one time it glitched and I had to return via Apex. All my battlegrounds were low intensity.

Also, the codex count was doubled for some reason? Meaning, despite counting 24 total battles I had only gone through 12. So, if you're having the same issue and do a google, I hope my findings can help you.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/rvnzzs/unlocking_hero_ferrari_in_january_2022/

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