Binaural audio – sound sometimes just stops(footsteps) ?

So picture this.

I'm on the stair case next to RED keycard room in labs facing the kitchen (upper part of the stairs).

I hear, in my left headphone someone sprinting up the stairs that come from the underground and can hear him going AWAY from me, in my leaf headphone.

Suddenly the steps(audio) stop.

I'm currently still facing the kitchen in front of red, while being on the wooden stairs.

1 second after the footsteps stop, I get blasted from my right(audio queue in my right ear).

Dorms area door under red had the door closed, there's no way someone sneaked through there either way as that's where me and my team mate came through.

This isn't the first time I'm in labs and sound is waaaay off.

Ofc all of this with Binaural audio enabled.


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