Coming back to this game after years, it has been ruined by nilfgaard

witcher gwent cards

I havent really played this game in 2-3 years or so. I came back and went down to rank 7, and what i noticed is that nilfgaard is just unfairly balanced. From copying the same units multiple times, to having a heatwave thats both cheaper and lets you play the unit next round, to blightmakers allowing you to deal a total of 12 poison when comboed with engineers (16 points for 6 destroyed units + 16 points on the field), to a unit that removes all randomness and sorts your deck by points – nikfgaard is just this undending barrage of op nonsense that cant really be countered, as it mostly relies on copying / destroying your units. Theres nothing less fun than having to dump all of your good units, praying they will run out of ways to copy them before you run out of cards to play. Anything that isnt either monster status immunity strength deck or skellige damage spam will get demolished instantly.


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