Day 2: Yearning for Techies Update

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Hello everyone. We have arrived at DAY 2 of my new hobby: posting until techies gets an update that makes everyone happy (IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE!!!). All I want is a buffed W and the return of Green mines in some form (set a limit as to how many I can place, nerf them, lock them behind aghs, do whatever it takes).

First, I would like to take a moment and share a story. It was 2 years ago and I had just returned from classes. I wanted to unwind and play Dota, and more specifically, I wanted to play my favorite hero Goblin Techies. I picked them offlane support and got ready to play the game. I ignored the fact that my team called me racial slurs. I ignored the fact that they told me to kill myself. I ignored them when they called me useless, worthless, and friendless. They were angry that I picked Techies and they thought that I deserved to be harassed. I played my best, but everyone makes mistakes, and each mistake that I made was met with the most toxic things I have ever heard. By this point (according to Dotabuff, IDK how accurate it can be) I was top 100 techies for NA Dota and I had a 60% win rate. It didn't matter though, they saw the hero and they flamed me.

I wont lie to you: that kind of toxicity hurt. I was able to ignore it because I was having fun with my hero. They were unique and they were fun. I received some of the same attitudes towards Techies in my last post, and that's ok. Old techies was broken and needed to be updated. But surely there's a way to make everyone happy? Old techies players and new ones alike? Some people say that the new Techies is stronger than the old, but I've beaten every Techies I've come across since the new patch. They still need work. I've played enough games with them to know that there are issues. They're currently a one trick pony, they rely on their nukes, which relies on their combo. The strangest thing to me is that red mines are useless as mines. They don't deny areas of the map anymore because they're used as instant nukes, but they're not even instant! They can't be used to deny areas of the map because they chime and don't do nearly enough damage to warrant a threat. They can't be stacked. So what is Techies supposed to do? I'm just kind of ranting right now anyways, so don't take these final points as a well thought out argument.

Throw Techies players a bone. Remember to be nice in pubs, there's a person behind every hero you play with.


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