Four things about Mistlands update

Valheim Guide: How to Acquire Strongest Weapon in the Game

Seriously, killing the Queen should clear the heavy fog. We already live in the Mistlands, we can't see nothing anywhere no matter the biome because everyday is fog day in the Ocean, in the Plains, everywhere… The wisp light is not enough after a while and the fog is just annoying with the directional clearing mechanic. Or at least make better, "end-Mistlands-game" wisps to help us out – that MAYBE do not use the belt slot so we can carry more than two stones and a stick (belt is for Megingjord and nothing else – the wisp in the inventory just need to "sense" we are in the Mistlands and release itself without equipping). Let us appreciate the gorgeous landscapes more than once in a lifetime.

Fishing now is more than great. But inventory is… well, the words that better describe "inventory management" in survival games get you banned in most places in Reddit. Don't want to make a "end-game-all-fish-bait" is fine, but give us a tackle box, a magical can of worms, anything to alleviate the stress in the inventory. Something that fits one stack of each bait. Remember that is not just 10 different baits… is several quality of each fish plus gear and "stuff"… Nobody will fish in Mistlands waters without armor and weapons and materials for a portal, and even with a longboat things get a bit nasty fast if you find a nice pool with different type of fish. C'mon, the game don't need to be this "portal back and forth" all the time just to clear inventory.

And more on fishing: why fish is attracted to a bait that is supposed to not attract them? If you have different bait for different fish, only the right fish should bite, right? That message is not supposed to exist – unless there is no fish in the area that can accept the bait you're using (like a tutorial message).

Now, where are the copper-marble pieces? There are some shapes missing too that exists in dverger towers… And the new wood stuff… give us the stuff – all the stuff! Please?

P.S.: Can we have new tools for farming already? Just to replant stuff already planted… keeping up with food in a solo game gets pretty overwhelming with all the different cultures/animals/hunting/gathering to make a single meal (not counting all the steps to prepare such meals). Cauldron making more than one item per click when (or a "repeat" checkbox to make a recipe continuously)? Seriously, we basically need everything in the game to make the daily 3 meals at this point…


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