How do people still find this game enjoyable long term?

How do people still find this game enjoyable long term, knowing that practically every raid you get into has cheater(s) in it?

It’s been about 6 months to a year since i’ve played tarkov consistently, I love the game and have had some truly epic moments in it. Sometimes I think “I should get back into it and grind again” but then i’m reminded that no matter what I do I will almost never be on a level playing field in most my raids. To me that is just very discouraging even if i’m having fun while playing. Doesn’t seem like BSG has any intentions of doing anything about it either so it’s hard to hold onto hope of something changing.

What are your guys thoughts on this, anyone else feeling this way?

(These thoughts were not directly linked to “The video” but that definitely played a huge factor. But I had felt this way even before “The video” and “The wiggle” were a big topic in the community.)


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