I should’ve gave Fortnite a second chance…. sooner…

Let me explain. I'm 39. I'm a gamer. I love MMOs, RPGs, FPSs, and BRs. I don't have much time to game between a full time job and an overtime life. O have been a dedicated Apex player since launch week. Lately that game has lost its fun.

I remember trying to play Fortnite a few months or so after it came out. I didn't like it. Too kiddy. Too cartoony. Too easy to gain cover by making a wall out of thin air. I played 10 matched over about a week and deleted the game. It just wasn't for me.

Flash forward to yesterday. I logged into Apex to grind some BP levels and was disappointed. Toxic teammates. Leavers. Got dropping the same location… every. Single. Game.

So I downloaded Fortnite again to give it a second chance.

Wow am I glad I did.

The solos mode is amazing. I can play at my pace. I don't have the worry of whether my team mates are running off without me or headlong into battle with a shovel and some hope. No loot goblins taking all the spoils of the battle.

I've yet to get into duos or squads. Maybe in the future. I have very limited play time thanks to life. I figured I'd hone some skills in solos and branch out from there.

Anyone have some good pointers for a true noob to this game? I'm struggling the most with battle building. I'm on PS4 so I don't have access to PC keybinds. I use the Combat Pro preset for my layout right now but was thinking of changing it up. Thoughts?

Thanks in advance everyone.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/rxt9ff/i_shouldve_gave_fortnite_a_second_chance_sooner/

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