I suspect this is a really dumb question, but…

Pretty much every time I go looking for Elite discussions I learn something new (Oh, that's what that button does!) and over the years I've been playing, I usually find that something that I've grumbled about has a simple solution.

So I'm hoping that this has a simple solution too, because if it does, it'll save me hours!

I'm doing a 'Source and return' mission, and I need more cargo than I can carry, so it's going to be a two or three run job, with maybe two or three jumps each way. That's fine. I'm at my home station, I know the goods are at Station X in system Y, so I stock up with something to sell on the outward trip and then…

I go to the nav panel, move one tab over and then type in, via the Xbox's clunky on screen keyboard, the system name. I choose my station and off we go.

Coming back, I can highlight the mission in the transactions panel and target my home station straight away. And off we go. Drop the goods off, AND THEN I HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE WHOLE BLOODY RIGMAROLE AGAIN TO TARGET THE STATION THAT I ONLY WENT TO FIVE MINUTES GO!!!

(And breathe…)

I know I could bookmark it, but I'd end up with a thousand bookmarks. The nav panel seems to 'remember' places I went to ages ago, but not the station I've just visited.

Is there any way of pulling up a recent destination without all the typing?

Please, in the name of all that's good, tell me there is!



Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/12k4j38/i_suspect_this_is_a_really_dumb_question_but/

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