It seems some people’s sound is better than mine. Any tips?

So I know this sounds like an excuse, but watching streamers, my friends play, and just playing with my buddies, it seems like their game has better quality sound or the footsteps seem louder? I will tab over to my buddies' streams if I die in the raid, and I can hear things that I didn't hear in my own client. Now I will say my headphones are nothing crazy, just some $120 pair of Steelseries headphones, but that doesn't affect the in-game sound. My buddies have worse headsets. They even say that watching my stream, my sounds are flat and washed out. Are there some programs or settings people use to tweak their sounds? Any help is appreciated 😀

P.S. I know LVNDMARK has a crazy pair of in-ears, and uses programs to alter the audio settings to make certain things louder. Does this not blow out his eardrums? Is he going to have hearing damage, or are we for using 100% volume at all times and dealing with rain, gunfire and grenades?


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