Looking for reasons to play again


So, I played around 500 hours already, and I stopped playing 1-2 years ago. Now I'm on vacations far away from home an everytime I go on Reddit I see ED posts and get very nostalgic.

I've had this feeling before, but when trying to play I would get bored really fast.

I've done a little bit of everything, went to Colonia and back, explored dark areas, did a bit of combat (mostly PvE), a bunch of missions to rank up and get the imperial cutter, void opal mining, tried to enjoy Odyssey and do on foot missions, etc.

Is there anything I'm missing what could make me enjoy the game again? Any recommendations?

Thanks a lot in advance, I can answer more in the comments if needed.

(Sorry in advance for any grammar mistakes)

Edit: Thanks a lot everyone for the suggestions, this community is really nice, as it was 3 years ago.


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/wj7aj7/looking_for_reasons_to_play_again/

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