New to dota2 ohhh i love the community

DOTA 2 Guides

not even 10 matches and i first tried gyrocopter. At botlane with another one against 1 that empowers allies and throw blood in a line and legion commander. damn we fed them hard, legion commander like fed af. Everyone start to flame shit hard, throwing like dogs, cancer, die, report everything you could even imagine. they at our core but weirdly, when we grouped we started to kill them and get money. Eventually we became stronger and one that use voice a lot from yelling dogs said "wow we actually can win". We stopped the flame, move together, punish them 1 by 1 and eventually win the game saying to the enemy "gg izi bot" "gg noob legion" "gg thx for tutorial" xd

while in LoL if someone is mad at you, he will still be mad even if you win. they prefer lose the ranked to lower ur mmr instead of winning to give u satisfaction


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