Nothing about tarkov is feeling rewarding anymore

With no surprise after almost 4 years of playing tarkov I can't feel the reward of killing another player any more with time after time getting a kill anymore because the server decided well they get to lose today and makes me look laggy on their end or vise versa and I end up with a kill more times than not because he got tarkov'ed and the more it happens the more I feel bad for people but realistically it's probably happening to me too.

I fully understand the challenges that an MP game like tarkov brings to the table and you guys have made some improvements but at the moment in time it is not enough, remember you can have the best product in the world but if it does not consistently work it won't last or people will get frustrated at very lest which looks bad on your part.,

I'm not gonna sit here and act like I know how to fix it but as someone whose taken people in to teach them to tarkov, sold people on how great the game is across different platforms and just been generally active towards getting people into tarkov ..sadly I can't bring myself to do that anymore until something is truly done about how fucked the servers are which a lot of people that are new to the game are gonna start seeing for themselves.

I love this game as much as anyone but the health of the game is in such a bad state it hurts inside a little I want nothing but to see this game grow and become of the best shooters on the market but without BSG really addressing the problem head on with no matter what resources are need we won't have.

If you guys have any inside knowledge or want to share how you think it can be improved please be my guest and share .


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