Planetary scanning figures and percentages

Just out of curiousity, does anyone know how the percentage figures are calculated when you scan an entirely new system?

I'm playing the console version, in case that makes a difference.

For example, here are the notes I made when scanning the 88 d Tauri system:

The first two figures in the Running %age Figure column are approximate guesses – as soon as I had honked the system, it reported I had discovered 2/13 objects on the top right of my screen and that I had scanned 30% of the system (the Running %age Figure).

Given that 2 out of 13 is just over 15%, that figure is inaccurate if based purely on the total number of astral bodies in the system.

Assuming that the Mass figures are based against Sol and Earth respectively (i.e., 88 d Tauri A is 1.7188 times the mass of Sol and 88 d Tauri B 7 is only 0.1607 times the size of Earth), then it also can't be based on astal mass (Sol being 333,000 times more massive than Earth), as the sum total of the mass of the planets would only account for just over 1.05% of the overall mass.

That's also born out by the fact that when I then scanned 88 b Tauri AB 1, it turned out to be 12 times large that the other two, but only upped the %age figure by 6%.

Any ideas?


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