Please, for the love of god, stop picking heroes out of their traditional role and play them as if ur playing them in their actual traditional role.

Mod Skin Dota 2

like i dont get it. if you want to play carry, queue carry and play a carry. why do you queue mid and pick a carry hero/play like a carry hero. im ranting and blowing off some steam from my last game.

i had a pos 5 straight up picking tiny and buying 0 wards untill he got his blink at 22 minutes at which point the game was already over because my pos 1 clinkz got fucked on lane with his pos 5 tiny and went to jungle with a javelin. meanwhile my mid muerta, despite knowing that our safelane got fucked and clinkz is jungling with no items, decides to buy midas into maelstrom into bkb(missclicked and wasted his 9 sec bkb upon arrival btw) and finished it off with a 25 minute mask of madness. Farmed the clinkz's triangle stacks, pretty much joined no fights, made 0 ganks, matter of fact asked me to gank mid for him 3 minutes into the game and missed his Q.

I understand tiny is probably playing his role queue games but where is the logic in picking tiny 5 in your role queue game. like u knnow for a fact ur losing ur lane, why do u not just tryhard your role queue game even if u dont like playing 5.

Anyways sorry for the rant, had to take it out somewhere. But still, im genuinely interested to know why you would want to play mid when u want to go farm mode


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