Share Your Moments of Seeing Your Hard Work Go up in Flames?

Maypoles, Flower/Berry Spawns, & Seed Crops should increase honey yield.

So felt like having a share time and hoping others have similar experiences they want to gripe about if only for catharsis. I know this is one of those game as intended stories… but part of the fun of sharing this game, in my opinion, is stories like this.

So on this playthrough, I'm early Iron age. My main base is on a pretty sweet starting island, but no sunken crypts so I've been doing much on a secondary base near to where the iron is. But I've come back home to the 'safer' area to expand my carrot plot to make room for turnip plantings. Pretty standard. And then I got the event notice no one wants to see. The earth was shaking. Immediately I head away from any structures, or resources I don't want to have to rebuild and try to keep the aggro on both trolls while I whittle them down. Again, pretty standard. For one lousy second… I drop aggro on one of the two trolls as the other has gotten a little too close for comfort. It throws a single rock and then I get its attention once more. Eventually, the trolls are down. And I go back to survey the damage. That one damn rock killed my entire 2-star boar farm.


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