Shoreline is hot garbage

Maybe this is me just letting out some rage on Reddit, but I cannot stand shoreline as a map. The spawns are so fucking awful. I feel like you’re lucky if you survive the first 5 minutes. Even if you’re the one getting the kills early game it just doesn’t feel right. I’ve been trying to grind out the punisher quest line, and just before I spawned in, ran left and some other PMC was not even 100 meters away from me. Took the shot and honestly just felt bad. Whereas in other maps, fights normally start a bit later into the raid and are much less predictable. It’s even more frustrating when you kit up and go in just to be shot from East bumblefuck. I guess if you just take more time memorizing the spawns you could mitigate this a little bit but that’s not fun at all. The best part about tarkov gun fights are the sporadic random moments and endless scenarios. I just feel like in shoreline it’s so much more about knowing where the other guy spawns so you can cheese him in the face. Maybe some will disagree and just say ‘hey that’s the way the game works, just get better’. That may be true but in the hundreds of hours I have played in the game, I truly never have fun on shoreline because of these reasons. I like not knowing where the enemy could be and having a different type of fight every raid. Not once have I ever got spawn clapped on customs, woods, reserve, etc. Only on this piece of shit excuse for a map. If you’ve read this far thank you for listening to my rant. I just hope this map gets a bit of a rework.


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