Streamers should be taking a stand against what is currently going on

I understand they are probably under some sort of contract whilst the drop events are going on but BSG clearly values the marketing provided by streamers A LOT. So why shouldn’t they use their influence to force change?

I have never seen such poor communication from a video-game developer.

People losing dozens of hours of progress and all container items disappear? Silence.

Servers on fire and people needing to queue for hours to get in the game only to crash? Tell players it’s not the Christmas event causing the issues when it clearly is.

BSG turned over ~$40,000,000 last year yet they seem to have made absolutely no stability upgrades to accommodate for the growing player base nor have they optimised the game so that people who don’t have NASA-tier PCs can play it properly. I have a good PC and get probably half the FPS I got 2 years ago

If this is still a beta as so many are so keen to say, then that makes us investors. BSG do not demonstrate an ability to convert revenue into quality of life for the game to support its growth. This patch has brought a lot of great content but that is worthless if people can’t even enjoy it properly.

Streamers have the ability to force reactions out of BSG and to be honest, I think we are at the point where they deserve to be called out by the big players. We need MUCH more frequent and detailed communication. We need a roadmap to see how they are going to improve the QOL for the future.

I want to love this game. At its best, this game is like no other. It is fantastic. But it really needs some care. Less content, more QOL changes please.


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