Suppressors are OP

Suppressors are by and far the most OP item in the game currently. Unlike impact nades & high tier armor they aren't locked behind anything besides flea market, they're cheap, easy to find and don't punish you all that much especially at range (and they really shouldn't). The problem with suppressors as it stands currently in game is that they don't function as I believe BSG would like them to (more realistically). They are far to quiet, In real life a suppressor is not completely silent from the ranges in which they are in tarkov. There have been many times i've assumed a shooter was in an expected spot but they weren't and so I ran DIRECTLY toward them like a doofus lol. The disparity at range between you and a person who sees you first, gets in a bush/behind tight cover and starts plinking at you suppressed is huge for the cost they had to put in to obtain the item. I've no idea if they have suppressor tweaks coming in their roadmap, maybe one of you will enlighten me or tell me why you think i'm wrong or even, what could be changed about them/their availability.

TL;DR Suppressor guy to quiet at range he spend 35k and me have no idea where guy shooting me from me run round like idiot till eventually me die.


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