The lack of focus on PvE in general really sucks.

The AI in this game is immersion breaking and just unfun in general, it sucks how such a core system to this game has seemingly little attention from the devs.

I don't understand why some scavs have increased hp to the point to where they tank headshots without helmets. (regular scavs not boss/guard)

Why can't you break a scavs leg and have them limp or break their arms and totally fuck their aim?

Why do scavs seem to have a sixth sense and know when they're being aimed at?

Why don't scavs roam the map and actually SCAVENGE items from containers and loose ground loot?

Why do scavs know i've thrown a grenade towards them like they've got some call of duty style grenade indicator?

The list goes on but in my opinion PvE in tarkov has a lot of potential and it seems to me like its just left there untapped and stagnant.

Some ideas i've had sitting in loading screens.

What if you were spotted by sniper scav on customs and he radio'd to the scavs in your area your location and they actively tried to hunt you or set up an ambush?

What if you could actually run into scavs anywhere on the map and run into large groups of them moving towards points of interest kinda like how raiders on reserve move together (the code seems to be already there)

What if there were a lot more voice lines and scenarios like if you shot a scav and wounded him he hightails away from you screaming and shooting randomly in your direction?

What if you actually had to worry about getting ambushed by a group of scavs when you enter a building or go near a point of interest so you have to clear an area instead of thinking (ok so no pmcs can be here lets loot vacuum hehe xd)

What if groups of scavs could run into each other and fight each other?

What if scav bosses roamed the maps, their ai would need to be turned down so they're not walking terminators but it would be cool to see rashala and his boys moving about and making a decision to either let them pass or engage.

Just a few ideas i've had. are they good or are they bad? well idk but imo anything is better than the current situation. The AI in this game act as alarms to alert others that there is a pmc in their vicinity or fodder for kill quests, the bosses are a lot of times extremely unfair and rely on ridiculous bugs to kill with no real tactical reasoning as if they're horde monsters in some rpg game where you have to kite them or some shit.

Just wish there would be more focus on it. there doesn't have to be some huge update overhauling AI, it can be a gradual thing with small updates to the AI every now and then.


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