This game sucks

The gunplay mechanics of this game are great, the gun customization is great, the map design is great but everything else is dogshit at best. Unless you spend $150 on this game you're fucked. Good luck getting enough inv room to even upgrade your stash because that's never going to happen unless you get extremely lucky.

The stash size management is fucked and takes the fun away from the game. The fact that if your PMC DIES you have to pay money to heal them is ridiculous and if you do pay for the heal you still have to wait 30 minutes for your hunger to be restored because you dont have enough stash space for food and water, not to mention that food and water is insanely expensive from therapist. Your hunger and hydration should be auto restored after a raid even if you make it out.

For some reason they added a lucky scav stash box but guess what? You cant put anything besides building materials in it and it cost $1.1 million for a little bit of extra room.

This game could be fun but in its current state it's pretty shit. No game should cost $150.


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