Thoughts on balancing…

I was brainstorming on how they could possibly balance the new PVP game mode, when people can bring in whatever kits and gun loadouts they want. People would always have slicks and mutants and it would be incredibly stale once people optimized the fun out of it. Some people brought up the old Counterstrike system where there's a pistol round and then you buy progressively more to your kit. While this may work I think it's rather lame and unoriginal for Tarkov.

This got me thinking, why not have a set loadout rouble limit when you queue? Say, 250k and 500k total gear value brackets, which adds up the value of all your armor/weapons/ammo/meds together and you can't surpass it. This way if you decide to splurge on a slick and meta mutant, you no longer have any money for meds or headset or a bunch of grenades. It could allow cheaper and not-as-meta combinations of attachments and armors to see play because they are budget friendly and allow you to come in with more utility choices like propital and a grizzly plus extra mags or something. If something is too strong BSG could simply increase the rouble value weight on the items that are problematic without actually directly changing what the item does.

Granted these rouble limits could certainly be tweaked and maybe even have an unlimited budget bracket too.



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