thoughts on Odyssey…

Hello commanders,

I enjoyed this game very much, but haven’t been active in a while. Now with space legs, I am thinking about jumping back in, but the first-person shooter gameplay I have seen is a huge turn off for me.

What are the gameplay types and quality of life changes with space legs that are well thoughtout and you enjoy?

Also, can you confirm these scenarios from my head?
1. When doing delivery missions, are we able to go out to the ship hangar and watch as the cargos are loaded into your ship? NPCs busy doing their thing with lifts and other equipment.
2. Likewise with passenger missions, are we able to meet up with the NPC at a common area and walk them to our ship?
3. Do the modules change the inside and/or outside of a ship? For example, cargo is about maximizing interior space and probably have no need for windows. Whereas, passenger cabins probably need to have windows.
4. When doing ship repair at a station, can we go out to the hangar and watch the NPCs busy doing the repair job? Load additional ammo, limpets, etc. OR is it still just instantaneous – click and done?
5. My ship is demaged. Can I do a space walk outside to repair it? It’s slow, dangerous and painful, but a last resort as I don't have any repair limpets.
6. Player gets shot by enemy ship in a dogfight, as their ship shield and canopy are gone. Essentially, the player is now a "module" that can be damaged and thus disable the ship.
7. Can I ride on another passenger ship to another station or system? Similar to the ship transfer – player transfer. I have my ships position in different systems throughout the bubble for certain mission types.
8. The player equipment guns on their back reminds me of Xenoblade Chronicle X for the Nintendo Wii. Its a very unnatural way of holslering a weapon, does it break the immersion for you? Sorry, nitpicking here I know.

I know the web is full of answers, so thank you for taking the time to address some of these questions.

Also, english is not my native tongue, so excuse the grammar/spellings.


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