What are your thoughts on adding CG modules to tech brokers?

It's a discussion that comes up now and again but I've never seen a topic considering the whole thing – just one or two modules.

For those out of the loop, for the past couple of years we've had occasional CGs that provide a pre-engineered module. Many of them have engineering combinations that are otherwise not possible (the most well known being the FSDs with Long Range and Fast Boot).

The tricky part comes from the time limited aspect of CGs and the respective FOMO born from them. Unlike a lot of FOMO situations in games, however, wherein the time limited events typically have cosmetics or other inconsequential unlocks, those who missed out on these CGs have missed out on a module that gives a legitimate, material advantage.

I say this as someone who has access to a chunk of these modules, I just feel that penalising players for not being in the right place at the right time (especially when, frankly, CGs are still easy enough to miss if you're not following the community very well, or simply not in the right area of the game) isn't a good thing.

Should these modules (specifically those that are impossible to make yourself) be added to tech brokers?

Should they be like the Engineered FSD V1 which you can buy an endless supply of?

Should they be one-per-class-per-account limited?

Should they never see the brokers and left a unique thing for those who were able to take part?

What are your thoughts?

I know this won't affect Frontier's decision making in any way on this, I'm just curious on community -and individual – sentiment.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/wzxa4c/what_are_your_thoughts_on_adding_cg_modules_to/

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