Bique proves Respawn is a joke

I know this is another post where someone complains about an add on they make in apex so I’ll make it short. I’ll just say that I’m uninstalling and why. I have 1k hours on the game, made it to diamond 1, have 3k dmg badge on most legends and am a very competitive player. So the reason I decided to finally uninstall is the Mozambique, not the buff itself ( I don’t even care if it’s only for a day of April fools) but because respawn can only do new things when it’s a joke. All of the esports teams are pulling there apex roster, and the tournament scene is almost dead… in addition there hasn’t been a content patch in ages so the game is completely dead to new streamers. It just breaks my heart that every addition they’ve added is for the sole purpose of making it easier for newer players ( maybe just fix sbmm and smurf accounts so noobs can play?). I’m sure people are gonna call me a whiner but I genuinely love this game and the bique just made me so disgusted. It completely makes the wingman effectively useless, it completely ruined my stream today to be honest. Respawn is a joke and I’m joining the rest to hit try and hit the pro train in Valorant, a game with servers that work


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