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My idea for character buffs and nerfs.

Bloodhound – Make their tactical a radius instead of just directly in front of you, and make it so it doesn't notify enemies when they've been scanned. Their ultimate is great in my opinion, just the tactical is a bit weak.

Gibraltar – Increase the time it takes the arm shield to recharge, as well as nerf it to 60 HP from 75 HP. If leaving the arm shield unnerfed make it so he takes 10% less damage instead of 15%.

Wraith – Wraith is in a pretty good spot right now in my opinion, the only thing I'd change is reduce the cooldown of her tactical to 25 or 30 from 35. With third parties becoming much more prevalent this season I think it could really be justified, another potential thing could be because her hitbox is so small the damage could be increased from 5% to 10%, because she has by far the smallest hitbox, but honestly I wouldn't mind Wraith if she didn't change at all, she's in a solid spot right now.

Pathfinder – I'm not sure what more could be done about Pathfinder without completely changing his character entirely. Maybe increase grapple cooldown to 20 seconds, but honestly I think he's fine. Just fix his hitbox please for the love of God.

Crypto – I have a soft spot for Crypto, I think he's really underrated, but he could still use a little buff imo. For me I'd say all that needs to be done for Crypto is to make his ultimate deal 50 damage regardless, not just 50 shield. Other than that I don't see a problem with Crypto, he's one of the most balanced legends in the game in my opinion.

Caustic – Make it so Caustic's teammates can tell a clear difference between their Caustic's gas traps and an enemy's gas trap. I'd also reduce the slowdown and visual effects to Caustic's teammates, I wouldn't completely get rid of them but they're way too much right now.

Octane – Octane has always been my first love, but I'm not gonna lie and say he's incredible, or even very good. As much as I love playing him he could really use a rework. First of all, I think his stim speed should be buffed to either 35 or 40 percent, and he shouldn't be slowed by heavy bullets at all. Maybe reduce the HP penalty of the stim or make his passive heal a tiny bit faster. His ultimate needs a complete rework, while it's fun it's not very useful. Either increase both the height and length the jump pad sends you, as well as make it so you don't have slowdown when you hit the ground no matter how high you are, or turn it into a mini jumptower, maybe half the height of a standard jumptower. I love Octane but he's really not viable in the current meta.

Revenant – Buff his passive. If his passive is gonna be centered mostly around climbing he should be able to climb way higher than he can. Maybe not infinite climbing like the trailer suggests, but higher than it is right now. As for his ultimate, I have two suggestions. Either give legends who use the totem 150 health regardless of what health and shield they have when interacting with it, or make it spawn you back with 30-50 health rather than 1.

I think Bangalore, Lifeline and Wattson are all in a pretty solid spot. But Mirage… Mirage is… Weird. I don't really know what could be done to make him better quite frankly, I just don't think he's in a very good spot.

But those are just my opinions, let me know what you guys think, feel free to get a discussion going! Just please don't be toxic, at the end of the day we all play to have fun and we all have our own opinions. Thanks for reading! 🙂


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