An opinion on the learning curve of the game

I am an average player with almost exactly 50% win rate and around 8-9k battles. I started playing this game many years ago but I have had an on and off relationship with it, taking long breaks and then coming back to it. I have 3 Tier 9s but still no tier 10.
I find WoT to be a very difficult game to know with certainty what the right play is gonna be. I find myself preferring to watch videos or streams of the game rather than actually play it myself, cause observing what other much better players than me do helps me to know what I should do in specific scenarios, or at least I try to.
I haven't had multiplayer experiences like in WoT where I feel like the experience you have contributes an insane amount to the outcome of the decisions you are gonna make. But that also means that until I get tens of thousands of battles played I will be making more bad decisions ( and hopefully learning from them ) and dragging my team down. Now, of course this is the same for everyone, but if we blame others and don't try to become better ourselves then what's the point, right?
I felt like I wanted to share this. Have a nice day and happy hunting!


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