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My Progetto.46 Three Mark Experience

3MOE Battle

Personal Experience: There is no dispute, the Progetto.46 is well known as one of the better tier 8s. Possessing a terrifying combination of gun depression, speed, autoreloader, burst damage of 720, good DPM, good modules layout and perfect general stats. So long as markers exercise good judgement not to use their speed to overextend or take direct fights on flat ground where they have no effective armor – The Progetto.46 will be an effective killing machine.

This was the only memorable aspect of this adventure for me;

Weak Turret: One area the Progetto.46 will fall short is a direct confrontation along a ridgeline against specialized enemies like the M-III-Y, 122TM, T32, Udes 15/16, Emil II, Kranvagn and STB-1. While these situations are rare, they can happen. Our only option is to give up the position unless their HP is within kill range for a full burst overpoke. If were forced to take that fight, odds are we will lose.

We can rely on our gun depression to use terrain to mitigate incoming fire, but most shells if they impact us will pen.

Even after all these years, the Progetto.46 still retains a place within the top three, if not top five best tanks at tier 8. Only easily eclipsed by the Bourrasque and Skoda T56 nowadays for combat potential.

Purple Ventilation | Purple Turbocharger | Purple Vertical Stabilizer + Vent Purge

Main Build Justification: Straightforward setup, vents to improve general stats, turbocharger to improve mobility to chase damage in the end-game or attain decent positions early-game and vertical stabilizer to improve dispersion factors.

Purple Optic | Commander Vision System | Purple Vertical Stabilizer + Optics Calibration

Secondary Build Justification: This optics setup is for highly specific use cases or if there's no light tank and the map has need for one; Fisherman's Bay, Prokhorovka, Ghost Town Encounter, Karelia Assault / Defense and "maybe" Studzianki. We can afford to take CVS because were an autoreloader and only need the vertical stabilizer to maintain a minimum viable level of combat power.

This setup is NOT a viable replacement for the main build, only to scoop up wins and damage on maps like Fisherman's bay that are notorious for their static nature.

Ensk | Airfield

Ensk: There's no terrain to work with, its too cramped for the Progetto.46 and the enemy are mostly concentrated on the 1/2/3 position. An incredibly unfriendly map for medium tanks without usable hull armor. Easily skipped.

Airfield: This one is somewhat of a personal choice, the Progetto.46 should work reasonably well. It has the speed to get to any of the more viable positions early enough. However, with how funneled the map can be. Any direct hits from TDs or SPGs can quickly reduce our HP pool.

Ammunition Balance

Standard: Decent pen of 212 but noncompetitive shell velocity of 929 can make it a real pain to lead targets. Useful as a credit maker if credit economy is tight.

Premium: Our bread and butter ammunition, 259 pen is good but not the best in tier 8 and 1,250 shell velocity is good enough to reliably lead most moving targets.

HE: Functionally doesn't exist except for three use cases: Knocking out the enemy door to catch heavies in the cross on Pilsen and knocking over trees outside the map at the G1 location on Prokhorovka or we absolutely know we'll be engaging something soft and we have the time to reload. I strongly suggest a maximum of one clip of HE or an alternative loadout of zero HE shells if the relevant maps are not pulled.

Crew Skills 6.62

Crew: The Progetto.46 is fairly overloaded with the need for crew skills. Especially the commander. Which is typical for medium Italian autoreloaders. With the commander alone we have a need for: Brothers In Arms, Six Sense, Sound Detection, Recon, Situational Awareness, Repairs and Concealment.

I would consider everything essential, most skill points are accounted for something until about 5 or 6 skill levels.

L, R, R, Scouting

  1. Module Durability Increase – We don't entirely need the better turret traverse speed. So I skip light-alloy mounting points in favor of a less harsh damaged ammo rack debuff.
  2. Improved Sight – Incredibly easy pick, final accuracy is worth it.
  3. Anti-Reflective Headlights Coating – Our reverse speed is still reasonable at 18 km/h, and our camo goes up. Easy pick.
  4. Second Equipment Slot Specialization – Scouting

Final Form Main Configuration: We end up with 61 km/h top speed limit, the best reloads possible (6.17 | 6.94 | 9.26) and good view range of 461.

Final Form Secondary Configuration: We are not as speedy or as effective dealing damage. But for breaking static / slow play maps by making it impossible for enemies to play at key positions this is the build. Our camo values are a little on the weaker side compared to the main build but otherwise livable. Don't overextend pretending were a light tank because we have neither the small profile nor the camo values to get ourselves out of trouble.

Here are three initial deployment examples where we can tip the scales a little by initially lighting the enemy. Our specific goal is to make one to three people's initial positions miserable. Afterwards we'll revert back to standard play, any spotting assist damage becomes pleasantly incidental.

Fisherman's Bay, initial positioning

Prokhorovka North, initial positioning

Prokhorovka South, initial positioning

100MOE Session Stats

World of Tanks is beautiful, but don't forget to love, live and pursue the things in life that have meaning to you. Whether that's literature, fitness, relationships or whatever – Life is too fragile to have regrets, whatever ambitions you might be harbouring, I say go for it!

Good luck, and good hunting fellow markers.


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