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Real problem behind Obj 283 Drop

What do you think?

It could be a bug

It could be feature

Or it could be a perfect price discrimination

First-degree discrimination, or perfect price discrimination, occurs when a business charges the maximum possible price for each unit consumed. Because prices vary among units, the firm captures all available consumer surplus for itself or the economic surplus.

Seems Weegee secretly fixed the serverside drop pool and the only way to know what really happened is through litigation(and force disclosure by court order), which is very unlikely. Now it is time for us to speculate, is this the new patented monetization scheme? Drop only after hit your yearly spending maximum across the years?

For example, 2022 is content dry year, not many things to spend on. To compensate the profit decrease, you must spend the historical yearly spending average to have a Object 283 drop.

I rather be stupid than live in this dystopia monetarization world.

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