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The T92 light needs a serious buff, please. I beg.

My third most played tank and my favourite light tank in whole game, for the past few months I have challenged myself with a quest to 3 mark this vehicle because I love it so much, and fair enough I have climbed up to 89.51% MoE, but this comes at a huge cost, literally. The standard pen is horrendous, only 175mm. And the premium HEAT pen is no better either only 210mm, which is very poor. The alpha damage is also sub-par, only 150 hit points, which is 25 less than the tech tree tier 8 American light. Not to mention that you're paying 5600 credits for each HEAT shell that only does a 150 damage. If none of this bothers you then maybe this will; the max speed is 60km/h. That is pathetic for a light tank. Despite all these massive drawbacks it does have excellent view range, mine has 503m, and the camo rating is also very good with mine being around 40%. What makes this tank suffer the most is the current in-game meta of EBR's and other OP light tanks, you are very redundant compared to them and would lose everyone 1vs1 against them.

All I want is to get the 3rd mark, if only Wargaming would buff its mobility or gun. That's all it would take to make me a happy man :')


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