For those of you that keep complaining about sessions of massive losses, the best tip I can give you is to play smart. ( I know it’s obvious, and I know that you know that it’s obvious, but I also know that you only know and don’t act upon it.)

If you can deal your hp in damage, then you leave the team to a coin flip if it’s a loss or win. For every additional shot of damage, you increase the chance of victory, compensating those that died early.

Best tip ever is to get out of the moment during a match and think to yourself what you are doing and how easily winnable is it. After every couple shots zoom out the mouse scroll wheel and see what’s really going on. Stop fighting hulldown tanks with 1 pixel weak spot that can return fire through the toughest of your armors or pen you with 800 alpha HE. Instead just back out and find a different opponent to shoot at. Keep the gun active, use that engine that’s meant to travel around the map and not only to your initial starting route.

E.g. on Westfield I took Amx M4 54 to the hulldown heavy duel. I got impatient and kept peeking into TD fire. Within first 2 minutes I was at 15% hp. I just let my teammates hold the spot and drove back into the TD bushes behind the heavies. We had 0 TD there to support us. I sat there and farmed 4 different targets that kept peeking. I turned an almost 2 shots of 900 damage before death to a 3.4k damage deal game with a win.

No matter what there will be matches that go 15-0 or 0-15 and your priority should be recognizing if it’s a steamroll and be on the front end or if it’s a steamlolfukthisgame and be in a defensive position farming as much damage as you can before you are dug out.

As you master the art of survival via recognizing situations, you will look down at your session stats and it will say 54-65% win rate and you’ll be like DANG. Fuck the teammates that will tell you “M103 camping back line” when you’re trying to not rush into a hulldown AE Phase 1 accompanied by 2 BZ 176 support. Just use the OP HEAT round from safety. It’s your game. Don’t let the social norm or other people play it for you.

TLDR: Monkey together strong but monkey stronger if rotate wisely and keep gun in the game


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