So this game, i picked blood for ez mmr. I said my support shadow shaman to buy a ward asap for ancients necro. For 3 mins he leeched my xp, and took farm from lane. I told him to get farm from pulling lane. After some time, i got mad and went to check necro, died. Started raging and told him to buy a ward already or just go offlane to win that lane saying i was fine solo. He started taking farm on lane. I went to jungle, he took farm from me while jungling. After a few ganks on necro and some decent farm, he pinged on an enemy to gank. He hexed, i went in, then he immediatly left the fucker. I died, raging even more, sold all my items, bought dagon. AND EVEN WITH ALL THIS BULLSHIT, WE SOMEHOW MANAGED TO WIN ENEMY BECAUSE TEAM SAID SF FEEDS WITH HIS 12-5 ? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. I EVEN GET THE SHAMAN'S COURIER KILLED ONCE TO DELAY HIS AGHS, AND WE STILL WIN WTF!?
tl dr; in ranked, pick op shit and dont try to win, "gently (without getting low p" try to lose bros works 8/8