- Don't kill the guy prone in the factory shack / at the red lights in factory / on the woods pier / in the trailer park cabin / on the shoreline beach. If you must, kill them when they get up/out. If you have a heart, just walk away. Also think twice about shooting the guy getting the pocket watch or any other quest item.
- If you see a docs/sicc case or a keytool filled with keys in a random location, leave it there.
- Respect a wiggle. The moment shit seems shady you're not morally responsible for blasting the rat though.
- If you're high level, don't loot the SKS of the lvl7 you massacred.
- Don't sit in Gate 3 on factory for 15 minutes, play the game.
- Hide your mate's stuff if they die. You can snatch his ammo and meds though.
- Don't kill anyone in the extraction zone, especially not if there's only a minute or two left in the raid. (You can't loot them without extracting yourself most of the time.)
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/hfuasn/a_guide_to_the_gentlemans_rules_of_tarkov/