
How to build a large and tall house in Valheim

Don’t know if it’s been talked about much, I’ve only been playing the game for a month. But man it’d be a nice touch to have seasons.

Think about all of the orange/yellow/red leaves in the fall. Maybe more storms in the spring with buds on the trees. A need for frost resistance in the winter along with snowmen and igloos you could build around your house. And how about a resting bonus for being in the water during summer.

Edit: please add any other seasonal ideas you have. Weather, building, mechanics, etc

A lot of you have mentioned that it would ruin the game for casual players, and that point is totally fair. I wouldn’t want the seasons to make the game more intense. I actually don’t like the idea of wolves coming down the mountain in the winter. I was just thinking of mostly cosmetic differences or slightly different mechanics.


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