Power shift is underrated
When it comes to talking about seasonal mode, I never see any talk about this seasonal mode. For those uninitiated, power shift mode is where a ...
When it comes to talking about seasonal mode, I never see any talk about this seasonal mode. For those uninitiated, power shift mode is where a ...
So I’ve been enjoying GWENT ever since I started playing last month, but I just feel as though its dying. I am fairly new to the community so I may ...
The loot changes have been kind to me, I have been making decent money, way more than before the changes, it could be a coincidence due to the point ...
I have double digit millions of roubles. Pretty high level I guess. But I'm addicted to that broke folk lifestyle. After finishing a lot of my ...
So they have mentioned that they are considering adding interior areas for Fleet Carriers post Update 8. I assume it would be made from mostly the ...
Good day CMDRs,
I've had an idea floating around in my head for a while that never seems to resolve into anything substantial in my ...
Hi, I am very upset with one of my last games, I feel like games being throwed are an issue, and I feel like I need to talk about this.
Match ID: ...
Treant Protector
Ask/Answer/Comment anything related to Treant Protector!
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Okay so hear me out.
Vikings were pretty well-known for the use of hallucinogenic mushrooms and other substances for a multitude of reasons, not ...
Im making a T10 with Long Range Shard Cannons (Tech Broker in salvation megaship), that have better penetration than normal Shard Cannon, this make ...
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Homebase Status Report 9.28.2021
Homebase Status Report 9.28.2021 (Reddit)
Same as last time! We're ...
Just noticing that I tend to have significantly more bone than I end up using. I don't know if this has been suggested before, but I was ...