If you have an issue that prevents you from playing this game you’re screwed.

See my previous post for context: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/wbfgw4/server_connection_lost_cant_get_into_any_raid_at/

My biggest complaint here: The issue seems to be a rare issue that nobody in the community seems to be having, given these circumstances this game is nothing but a $150 digital paperweight. There is no customer service that i can turn to to help get this issue resolved. Ive done everything on my end. It just feels like a big fuck you from the developer i gave my money to. I cant play the game i payed for, and it doesnt look like its going to get fixed in the forseeable future short of a miracle. This is absolute bullshit. Tarkov needs some form of customer service or SOMETHING. Like what am i supposed to do?? Im sure im not the only one that has had something like this happen… right??

Edit: Upon further inspection im having issues connecting to a number of games, just not all of them, which is why i had ruled my internet out of the equation… So the problem could be my own after all. I will edit if i figure it out.

Final edit: A call to my ISP resolved my issue. I guess thats what i get for being stuborn and thinking i know everything. I am going to leave the post as a symbol of my dumbassery, but tbh i still stand by alot of what i said, regardless if it was my issue or not. Thank you u/Internal-Map-4776 for being the voice of reason that i needed.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/wbhoi2/if_you_have_an_issue_that_prevents_you_from/

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