Times when you knew you had a bad teammate?
For this one its more an angry teammate than a bad one.
Today I was playing, was feeling pretty good about myself as the first two games of the day ...
For this one its more an angry teammate than a bad one.
Today I was playing, was feeling pretty good about myself as the first two games of the day ...
So I've had this idea for some days now, as you all know pistols are pretty unviable in this game being used only at the start of the game when ...
I realized that I haven't had a Grand Battle on the NA server in weeks. I
I checked my replays and found the following last play dates:
Just to make it clear from the beginning, I’m not an arty sympathisant. Actually not even 5% of my WoT battles are fought in arty.
I ...
At this point we have all seen dozens, if not hundreds, of posts from those who believe they are having issues fighting against Pathfinder, saying ...
I would like there to be a new legend.
There should be a rusty looking samurai.
His passive will shorten his cool downs when ...
https://na.wargaming.net/support/en/products/wot/hot-issues/22384/ - The CGC Arty getting its Arc reverted to 1.4 standards as well.
I mean seriously, the 3500 stun and assistance is feasible. But being top in experience? That's a complete joke, especially now that they have ...
I’ve seen so many bad reviews for this tank either on forums or from other people saying this tank is ass and that it makes the kv 1 grind very hard. ...
Hello Fellow Tankers!
I'm in the process of building a complete Learn 2 Play (L2P) guide and I've finished my next article explaining how ...
For all those who participated in recent 'Soldiers of Fortune' i hope you did well, now its time to spend all those fame points, but what ...
I was playing this game since it came out. I had fun playing solo or with friends but the lack of content and bugs bothered me so I took a 1 month ...