Rumors behind Streets of Tarkov…
Like most of you, I'm super hyped for Streets. I've heard a lot of rumors behind the map and wanted to know what you guys thought on the ...
Like most of you, I'm super hyped for Streets. I've heard a lot of rumors behind the map and wanted to know what you guys thought on the ...
Gear Fear is a very popular topic amongst players across all stages of tarkov whether you are new to the game or experienced like myself. Now, I have ...
Don't misunderstand me here: I don't mean that you can choose who is going to be the impostor on the next game, I mean that you can choose ...
Having 2 impostors is widely regarded as the best setup. However in pub games 2-4 people leave at the start, meaning that impostors just win with a ...
Don't worry, there is a TL;DR at the bottom lol.
Basically, spread out in duos (and stay in your assigned duo!!!!). If they kill their partner ...
Been thinking about this a lot.
TD: Foch B . The tank is so unflexible its nuts, it has no armor, doesnt back quickly, cant snipe, has bad ...
Wiring is one of the most common tasks to fake (see what I did there?) because of it's extreme ambiguity. They are, apparently, random, so ...
So The strv has been on my mind for a while and I do know that its kind of a one trick pony or mostly a situational tank as well as a team dependant ...
Just wanted to get people opinion on power on Interchange.
I personally think it is a bad mechanic as no one individually has interest into ...
The Star flashbang ammo for the KS-23 has been reduced to just 3 shells per Prapor restock and the price has been raised to 1568 roubles per shot, ...
-Splorch!, -Splorch! The impostors went brr and vented away.
Dead Body Reported!
Red: It's FlipIQ and RedSus! I was on call with my discord ...
Earlier today, I came up with an idea for Among Us - Imposter soul shop. What I mean by that is, as an imposter, Instead of faking a common task, you ...